Hanover Township Police Department

Morris County, NJ



The Records Bureau is open from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 am -1:00 pm on Friday.

The phone number for Motor Vehicle Accident Reports is (973) 428-2517.
The phone number for all other reports is (973) 428-2493.
Reports take approximately seven days before they become available.


Fee Schedule

In accordance with Township Ordinance No. 31-04, and the Open Public Records Act, NJSA 47-1A-1, et seq., the fees to be charged for discovery reports and materials are as follows:

  • $.05 per page for letter sized pages.
  • $.07 per page for legal sized pages.
  • The actual postage for any discovery report sent by mail.
  • Photographs will be photocopied at the rates established herein. If requests are made for duplicate photographs, the actual cost of making the photographs shall be charged.
  • The request for a duplication of video or audio tapes will be done free of charge. However, the requestor must provide unused video or audio media. There is a $5.00 charge if the requestor does not provide unused video or audio media.
  • On any item that cannot be photocopied on the Township’s copier machine, or not otherwise provided for in this schedule, the actual cost paid by the Township to the vendor duplicating the requested material shall be paid by the requestor.
  • When the discovery must be obtained from an entity other than the Township of Hanover, for example, another police department, the actual costs paid to the other entity shall be paid by the requestor.

The fees to be charged for Accident and Incident reports are as follows:

  • $.05 per page for standard letter sized pages.
  • $.07 per page for legal sized pages.
  • The actual postage for any incident report sent by mail.